How to Register for an Account on the Travel Agent Platform

Understanding account roles

Admin role

The admin role is perfect for agency hosts/admins. If you set up your agency’s account, you’ll automatically be designated as an admin, but you can always add more admins to the account. 

The admin role comes with special responsibilities and capabilities that the agent role will not have available to them, such as the ability to invite new agents and to add payout details. 

Agent role

The agent role is the ideal role for agents/advisors who will be making bookings on behalf of their clients. Agents will not be able to add payout details or invite new agents, but they will still be able to view their commission payouts and reports.

Agents/advisors will have to be invited by their admins in order to join the account. If you are an agent, please see this guide on how to join your agency’s account

Creating your agency account

registration email

Step 1

Navigate to to sign up. You’ll be prompted to provide an email address.

registration basic info

Step 2

You’ll be prompted to create a password as well as to provide your name and phone number.

Enrol in travel agent program or affiliate program

Step 3

You’ll be prompted to enroll as a travel agent or enroll as an affiliates. In this case, you will enroll as a travel agent by clicking on the “Get Started” button in the travel agents section.

set up agency account

Step 4

Since you are setting up your agency’s account, you will select “No, I’m setting up a new agency account.” You’ll then be prompted to fill in all the relevant information about your agency. Add up to 5 accreditation IDs that are associated with your agency. This will help agents search and register with your agency in their sign up process

registration complete

And that's it!

Now your initial account is set up and you are enrolled in the Viator Travel Agent Program. However, in order to get fully up and running, you’ll need to fill out your payment details and your tax details.

Next Steps

Add payout details

In order to get paid your commission, you’ll have to fill out your payment details. You can do so by navigating to the “Finance” section of your account (located towards the top left of the screen) and follow these steps.

Invite users to your agency account

For information on managing users and inviting users, please see here.

Activate your account

After filling out all the necessary information in your account, don’t forge to activate your account!