Social Media Strategies for Travel Agents
Promote your business and engage with current and potential clients through Facebook, Instagram, and Youtube.
Why social media?
- Over ⅓ (36.5%) of today’s travelers use social media for travel inspiration and ideas. This increases to 60% for Gen Z travelers and 40% for millennials!
- Great tool for keeping you top of mind with current clients and serves as a great portfolio for potential clients
- Ignites excitement around traveling and provides visual inspiration
- It’s evergreen content that lives on your feed for potential clients to see at any time of the day and in any season, whenever they visit your page or account
- Free & easy-to-use way to drive passive sales. You can continue developing and expanding your portfolio as you get comfortable or whenever you have free time
Growing your business with social media
Social media is a powerful tool that can help travel agents grow their businesses. Here are just a few reasons why you should consider using social media as one of your marketing tactics:

Increase your visibility
Reach a wider audience and promote your services to potential clients

Build relationships
Connect with existing clients to further the relationships, foster loyalty, and encourage repeat business

Stay up-to-date
Follow industry leaders and suppliers to stay up on the latest travel trends
Watch our on-demand webinar
Looking for a deep dive into the content on this page as well as more tips and tricks for how to be successful using social media? Start by watching our on-demand webinar, then come back to this page to download our templates to grow your business using Instagram, Facebook, and Youtube.
Personal branding 101
Be yourself
Incorporate your personal interests into your unique branding. Be honest, stick to what you know, and make it personal.
Find your niche
Become an expert in a specific type of travel to help you differentiate yourself. Remember: it doesn’t just have to be a destination!
Identify your target audience
Before you start posting, think about the types of clients that you want to attract. Who is most likely to work with you, given your area of expertise?
Communicate your brand
Let your social media profiles present themselves as a portfolio of your work to show potential clients what you can do for them.
Set yourself up for success
Set your accounts to public, switch to business accounts, and add contact info. Business accounts also give you audience insights & analytics.
Create a Linkt.ree where you can post links to booking sites, contact forms, your website, and more.
Post and repost engaging content as regularly as possible. You don’t always have to create it yourself. Follow your host agency & report their content!