About Viator

We want you to feel like you’re traveling with an insider, everywhere you go, every time you travel. That’s our main goal here at Viator. As passionate travelers ourselves, we understand the value of having a trusted resource you can rely on to help you find, research and book the world’s best travel experiences. For over 15 years, Viator has curated the largest and most diverse selection of worldwide tours and activities—from traditional sightseeing tours to unique once-in-a-lifetime experiences—all provided by local tour operators we’ve pre-screened for quality, value and service. Our activities are supported by more than 800,000 verified reviews, photos and videos posted by travelers like you, all backed by our low-price guarantee. Viator, Inc. sells tours and activities through the award-winning Viator.com website, ten local-language sites serving North and South American, European and Japanese markets, five fully optimized mobile sites and more than 3,000 affiliate sites that include major hotel chains and airlines, online travel agencies, city-specific sites and more. Learn more—and connect with us!—by becoming our fan on Facebook, following us on Twitter and Pinterest, and subscribing to our YouTube channel.

Why Viator?

The answer is quite simple, really.

Insider Access

Viator has a global team of travel experts—insiders—who hand pick the best things to do in destinations around the world. For more than 18 years (no, that’s not a typo), in more than 1,500 destinations from Abu Dhabi to Zurich, we’ve sought out the most reputable and reliable local tour operators to make sure the tours and activities you book on Viator.com deliver the type of experience we know you want to have—an amazing one. This comprehensive insider access, available only from Viator, provides you with:
  • Thousands of the highest quality tours and activities around the world, including Viator VIP “Exclusives” you won’t find anywhere else
  • Things you didn’t even know you could do; think “Vatican after hours” or “skipping the line at the Louvre.” Nope, those aren’t typos either.
  • A network of more than 10,000 professional private guides
  • The lowest prices, guaranteed
  • Last-minute availability
  • More free time (since we’ve done all the tough, time-consuming research for you)

Insider Pricing

Our close working relationships with local tour operators mean we can negotiate the best prices and exclusive deals for our customers—discounts not available on any other websites! Our deals and discounts are constantly changing so check back often—even while on your trip.

Unmatched Resources

In addition to curated activities ranging from traditional sightseeing tours to bucket-list-worthy experiences, we’ve also got useful resources to help make discovering and booking the best things to do around the world simple and convenient like:
  • Award-winning mobile apps for iPhone, iPad and Android—thousands of experiences right in your hand (should be heavier, right?)
  • Verified reviews and ratings from a community of over 4 million travelers
  • Suggested destination itineraries and tips
  • Professionally filmed and hosted sneak-peak videos
  • The expertly written and acclaimed Viator Travel Blog
  • Accounts to help easily manage and share bookings
  • 24/7 travelers support for before you go, or while you’re there

Anytime. Anywhere

So whether you’re planning a ‘round the world journey months in advance or looking for something to do in your destination tomorrow, trust Viator to be your guide to the best things to do. You can also check in with Viator anytime, anywhere on Facebook, Twitter, and Google+ for the latest Viator news, exclusive deals and travel updates.